5 Trending technology to create jobs
Today the technology is evolving so rapidly that the annual trend predictions may be obsolete before they go live as a blog post or article published. With the evolution of technology, this allows for even quicker improvements and development and accelerates the rate of change to ultimately exponential. Technology-based careers do not switch at the same speed but develop and the experienced IT specialist understands that his job is not the same. The IT professionals of the 21st century will constantly learn from the need, if not the desire.
What does it mean? To you, this means keeping emerging technology up to date. And it means looking to the future so understanding what skills and jobs you want to be trained for.
Here are some following 5 trending technologies in 2020 and some of the job opportunities generated by these changes are to be observed. Because the time has now come to train for one of the new jobs.
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
![AI like human intelligence](https://miro.medium.com/max/626/1*hUVW8BZJ6I-PE2F9KlPlYw.jpeg)
In recent years, artificial intelligence or AI have been arousing a buzz. But because of its impact on the way we live, play and work are still a trend to watch. It’s only early in life. Certain fields of AI, including machine learning, have also been developed which will be discussed below. AI refers to computer systems built to mimic human intelligence and perform tasks such as image recognition, speech or pattern recognition, and decision making. Such functions can be performed more quickly and precisely than humans.
The AI has been in use since 1956. Five out of six American people are actually using AI technology in one way or another every day, including web software, streaming services, private mobile helpers, ride-sharing apps, home helpers and home-smart appliances. AI is used to planning trains in addition to consumer behavior, assess business risks, foresee maintenance and improve energy efficiency.
AI is part of what we usually call automation, and because of potential job losses automation is a hot topic. Experts say that automation would kill an additional 73 million jobs by 2030. Automation, however, creates and removes employment, especially in AI: pundits are predicting that 23 million jobs in the AI by 2020. AI creates jobs in development, programming, testing, support, and maintenance, just to name a few. The Artificial Intelligence Architect is one of these tasks. Some say it will soon be competing with a computer scientist looking for skilled workers.
2. Robotic Process Automation
![RPA triggering systems](https://miro.medium.com/max/626/1*NEDuyaH1bGiU3v-dz8SiEQ.jpeg)
RPA is another job-automating technology. RPA automates business processes. Such as program analysis, transaction processing, data handling, and even email responding. RPA automates repetitive tasks that used to be done by humans. It’s not just the low-key jobs of a low paid worker: up to 45 percent of our activities can be automated, including the work of financial managers, doctors, and CEOs
RPA also creates new employment as existing jobs are changed. McKinsey found that less than 5% of workers can be fully automated, but 60% can be partially automated. While Forrester Research predicts RPA automation could affect the lives of 230 million or more knowledge workers and nearly 9 percent of the global workforce.
For Anyone & IT experts looking in the future and try to understand emerging technology trends. RPA offers many career opportunities. It includes Developer, Project Manager, Business Analyst, Solution Architect, and Infrastructure engineer RPA Support. And these are well-paid jobs. RPA salary is $ 73,861, but that’s the average, made up of salaries for junior level developers to Senior Solution Architects, with the top 10 percent earning over $ 141,000 annually. If you like to pursue a career in the RPA, it is important to understand the introduction of RPA.
3. Machine Learning
![ML Subset of AI](https://miro.medium.com/max/626/1*7E9FF_eelQHv1vh0F1lNCg.jpeg)
Machine learning is a sub-component of AI. Computers are trained to learn something they are not programmed to do with machine learning. You simply learn by finding patterns and software insights. In general, there are two types of learning, supervised and unattended. Machine learning subsets, including neural networks, naturally speaking and deep learning, which includes language processing (NLP). Each of these subsets offers the chance to specialize in a field that is rising.
Machine learning is quickly implemented and creates a high demand for qualified professionals in all kinds of industries. It is expected that by 2022 the machine learning market will hit $8.81 billion. Applications are used for data analysis, data mining and pattern recognition. Machine Learning on the consumer side, which helps web search results, in-time advertising, and network intrusion detection, only to mention a few of the many things that it can do.
Machine learning creates jobs. LinkedIn has some 2,000 openings, and Machine Learning positions are among the best jobs. The workers were well paid: in 2017, an engineer’s average wage stood at $106,225, respectively. Engineers, programmers, analysts, and data scientists are the roles of machine learning.
4. Cybersecurity
![Emerging cybersecurity technology](https://miro.medium.com/max/626/1*uaD5DvnU3DiDmk4JHD8lvg.jpeg)
Cybersecurity may not look like emerging technology, as it has been for a while, but like other technologies, it is changing. Partly due to the fact that threats are always fresh. Malicious hackers trying to illegally access data won’t give up anytime fast and even the most stringent security measures can be dealt with. New technologies are being adapted to increase security. Three of these advances are hardware authentication, cloud technology, and deep learning, according to an expert. Another complements the list with Data Loss Prevention and Behavioral Analytics.
Cybersecurity figures are rising three times faster than other technology pages, showing a strong demand for cybersecurity expertise. We are not enough to fill these vacancies, however. Therefore, it is expected that 3.5 million cybersecurity unoccupied slots will be open in 2021.
Most cyber safety employees are earning six-figure income and range from ethical hackers to computer experts and chief security officers, offering someone who wants to join and work in this sector a promising career.
5. Blockchain
![Blockchain role in security](https://miro.medium.com/max/626/1*09fn1K6p-JvTiBFDHS3NMg.jpeg)
Although many people believe that the blockchain technology is useful in many other ways as far as cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are concerned, it provides security. In the simplest case, the information you can only add, delete or change can be called blockchain. This is the term “chain,” because the data chain is generated. It’s so secure because the previous frames can’t be changed. Therefore, blockchains are based on consensus, as explained in this Forbes article, and no individual can take control of the data. You do not have to monitor or verify transactions with Blockchain a trusted third-party.
This improved protection makes it possible for Blockchain to play a key role in securing data, including personal medical information, for cryptocurrency use. Blockchain could be used to boost the global supply chain, as stated here, dramatically and to safeguard resources like art and properties.
The second fastest-growing job category is Blockchain-related jobs, with 14 vacancies for each blockchain developer. A blockchain developer specializes in design and software creation using blockchain technology. A blockchain developer’s average annual salary is $130,000.
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