
Showing posts from December, 2018

What Process can RPA Automate?

Many Organization and financial institutions are finding a better way to deploy workforce and hike their production output. RPA acts as solution for the companies that are finding a way to boost their business. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is software tool with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning abilities to handle repeatable, high-volume tasks, which previously enforced humans to perform. Implementing RPA in your company benefits a lot; it gives Cost Savings, Quality, Accurate Work, Insights and Analytics, Employee Empowerment, Simplicity and Flexibility, Better Control, and Enhanced Cycle Time. But in RPA, there is a step of Process Discovery which consumes lot of time and money, and many companies abort their RPA implementation from this step. In Feat Systems we believe, the world we live in is changing at a rapid pace. And this revolution, in turn is building a huge demand for better technology solutions. We are introducing a new tool in pl...

RPA Is Worth in Automating Your Business

As we are living in this second machine age, so advancement and innovation are necessary tools for optimizing and digitalizing any business function. There are many software companies in this field that are providing new and advance tools, RPA is one of the software tools that can optimize and increase the work production in any business companies. What is RPA? RPA is a Robotic Process Automation tool is software which with the help of (AI) Artificial Intelligence helps to improve any business work function, so that there is cost savings and increased productivity. Why RPA is used? RPA is used in many companies because it manages the repeatable tasks better than humans, and also gives less error rate, it improves standardization of workflow procedure and reduces the dependability on multiple systems on screen.   Benefits of RPA in the company RPA is software that helps in boosting a business function of the company, you just have to deploy the RPA tool in ...

Importance of RPA in Human Resources

RPA in Human Resources A well-functioned HR department can provide seam-lined business process in your company. Human Resources team have tasks that keep piling up like; Job analysis and job design, Recruitment and selection of retail employees, Training and development, Performance Management, Compensation and Benefits, Labor Relations, and administrative Relations. Due to lot work load and less time given HR team faces lots of problems, they have to go through all the various documents and folders at a time which makes their tasks really difficult to complete it on time. But with RPA Human Resources team can save lots of time and can even reduce their work load , which will result in better functioning of your company. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is software with Artificial Intelligence (AI), (aka. known as a 'bot'), it is used to acquire and illustrate current IT applications. It understands and allows process transaction, communication and...

How To Successful Implement RPA In Your Company?

Many companies and organisations are implementing RPA hastily, through which RPA implementation is resulting failure in companies.   Many companies fail to implement RPA in their company successfully because:   Important People are missing from the team when they are doing Process discovery,   They are automating the wrong processes,   Introducing RPA without the support of IT,   Not maintaining the RPA tool, etc. RPA has seam-lined the business process of many companies through RPA implementation. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) tool is used to handle high-volume tasks, repetitive tasks that required FTE to perform. These tasks can include manual entry, queries, process calculations and maintenance of data, records and transactions. But Feat System has ways to successfully implement RPA your company : Carefully choose the process and business that needs to be automated. There are cases, when companies automate the process which was highl...

RPA Increases the productivity of your Company

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is widely spreading across the globe , many companies and other major organisations are opting for RPA. RPA is a technological application that is setup as computer software to automate the repeated, non-subjective process, rules-based processes. It modifies the access to complete tasks that need manual input and data processing in the computer. RPA enhances the operation process and increases productivity. After the implementation of RPA, the error rate reduces to 0% in parallel humans. As RPA works 24/7, it boosts the productivity of a human worker in 3 times. It doesn’t need any special time to train or adjust if there are changes in the company conditions, we just to alter the process steps. With RPA 100% of processes are registered.   RPA doesn’t require any workplace, specific salary, promotions or social guarantees. According researches, one robot is the equal to 3 to 4 human workers in terms of company productivity. It also re...

Differentiating Robotic Process Automation (RPA) & Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Robotic Process Automation and Artificial Intelligence are two key technologies in digitisation. In combination, the technologies offer the potential for intelligent process automation. However, both technologies should be considered separately. An RPA is software that automates relatively simple, repetitive, and rule-based processes. This software mimics the behaviour of the users. Classic fields of application are queries, calculations or data transmissions. In practice, these software robots are often referred to as bots. These support the better and faster processing of processes and thus help to free up employee capacities for strategically relevant work. An RPA always has a natural limit because the underlying rule determines how the processing is performed. A flexible reaction to unforeseen events is not possible. The software robot in this case will give the processing as an exception to the human. On the other hand, artificial intelligence (AI) takes a different a...

What benefits does RPA offers to software developers?

Robotic Automation Software facilitates and accelerates many tasks in software development . Not only the software companies benefit from the increase in efficiency.   Important benefits for software developers A)shorter development times through the use of robotic automation software   Automated workflow software makes it easy to securely integrate complex workflows. These are for example:   The preferred methods of the developers.   The reporting processes inside and outside the development department.   Updating the data collections for the developers.   The monitoring of complete IT systems.   Business Automation allows developers to automate standardiSed and recurring processes, thus completing     software development quickly, cost-effectively and on time. B)The error reduction through the use of software robots With the introduction of automated workflow software, human resources can be quickly and safe...